Beth-Ann Brunet
Director of Equity and Multilingual Education
860.465.2515 Fax: 860.465.2576
Our District
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The Department of Equity and Multilingual Education (EME) monitors, develops, and supports programs and services that are research-based and culturally relevant, responsive and sustaining in order to give Windham students opportunities to achieve at high levels while building competence and confidence in English and Spanish. We offer:
Dual Language Bilingual Education programs
English language development services and classes for multilingual learners
World Language classes
Beth-Ann Brunet
Director of Equity and Multilingual Education
860.465.2515 Fax: 860.465.2576
The Equity and Multilingual Education Department provides research-based, rigorous opportunities for students to learn new languages as a vehicle to become successful and productive members of a global, diverse society. Our goal is to ensure that all students graduate with high levels of academic achievement in more than one language and with high degrees of socio-cultural competence.
Vision of the Equity and Multilingual Education Department
Students in Windham Public Schools will have the linguistic skills needed to have high academic achievement, become biliterate, and have sociocultural competence.
Theory of Action
Providing research-based instruction in multiple languages to our students will help them achieve high levels of academic achievement, biliteracy, and sociocultural competence.