Silvestre "Sly" Pereira
Director of Facilities
Email: sPereira@windham.k12.ct.us
860.465.2336 (o)
860.465.2337 (Fax)
Edyta Zyzdorf
Transportation & Safety Specialist
860.465.2335 (o)
860.465.2337 (Fax)
It is the primary function of the Facilities Department to maintain all school buildings in an effort to provide a clean and safe environment conducive to healthy student learning. The Facilities office oversees all maintenance technicians, custodians, and security personnel in the school system, and provides support services for staff and student functions as well as community events throughout the school system.
The State of Connecticut requires that each local and regional board of education has an asbestos and pesticide management program in place as well as have implement a green cleaning program for all school buildings and facilities in its district. Windham Public Schools is committed to the implementation of these laws. Read about our Asbestos Management, Pesticide Management, and Green Cleaning Program to the right.

Windham Public Schools' Ventilation Study (September 2020)
Public Notifications
About Green Cleaning
We are located in the Maintenance Building on the Windham High School campus.