Staff Links

SWN Socks

Quick Links

Email / Office 365

Technology Help Request

Absence Management - Please ensure you're also entering your time into Kronos.

KRONOS Web Application

Frontline Central

Employee Self Service Portal


*Check out the District Benefits Page to access your benefits, change H.S.A deductions, Open a new 403b/457 Retirement account and more...



Clever - Classroom teachers use the Clever portal to access programs like: i-Ready, Khan Academy, SchoolPace, Reading Plus, BrainPOP, ParentSquare, Edgenuity, ARC Resources, etc.

Clever Login with Google Instructions
Teachers: To reset a student’s i-Ready password, please log into your Clever Portal, click the “Students” tab at the of your page, click the student’s name to pull up a new window of options, and under “Set Clever Password” type a new password into the Password box and click “Set Clever Password.”

WPS Tech Resource Library

District Program List

District Program Request Site

Google Meet

Google Classroom


Curriculum Resources



SMART Exchange
Lesson plans and resources for your SmartBoard

Windham Federation of Teachers website

Common Core Resources

Next Generation Science Standards