Pupil Services
Office Phone: 860.465.2512
Office Fax: 860.465.2316
Aaron Coleman
Director of Pupil Services (Outplacements)
Catherine Colavecchio
Assistant Director of Pupil Services (WECC, Natchaug, Barrows K-5)
Gregory Murphy
Secondary Pupil Services Supervisor (Barrows 6-8, WMS, WHS, and Phoenix/AWP)
Taryn Ricci
Elementary Pupil Services Supervisor (WCS, Sweeney, and North Windham)
Jennifer Thompson
Executive Administrative Assistant of Pupil Services
Maria Cruz Diaz
Pupil Services Admin Assistant Phoenix Academy / AWP and Outplacements
At Windham Public Schools we strongly believe that education is the key to a better future for all children. As a result, we are committed to ensuring that all children in our care have the opportunity to achieve their full potential irrespective of their special needs. The Pupil Services Department strives to eliminate barriers that may stand in the way of learning for children with special needs.
As part of the overall commitment of Windham Public Schools, the Pupil Services Department is dedicated to providing an environment that is conducive to learning and free of barriers that may hinder learning for special needs students in the Windham community. The personnel in this office research, evaluate, and implement the best academic, emotional, and social course of action for each student. Through their leadership, advocacy, data collection and analysis, and delivery of programs and services, the professionals in this office will provide the best possible educational experience and ensure the well-being of every student. This vertical alignment creates a strong network of support for all students as we realize our number one goal…every student achieves educational success.