Voya Financial, Inc. announced today that Nicole Bay and Christian Kollegger, teachers at Charles H. Barrows STEM Academy have won the first-place $25,000 grant award in the company’s annual Voya Unsung Heroes program. As the first-place winning teaching team, Nicole Bay and Christian Kollegger receive $27,000 to be used to help bring “Urban Farming for Food & STEM” to life at Charles H. Barrows STEM Academy.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
Voya First Place Winners
Join Windham Public Schools and Eastern Professors in virtual information sessions about Eastern's numerous Educator Preparation and Teacher Certifications Programs.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools Profile
Teacher Certification invitation
What happens when there is a school closing, an early dismissal, or a late entry? See the letter from Superintendent Youngberg.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools Profile
Inclement Weather Letter
Inclement Weather letter
UNITED FOR ALICE Join United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut and the Town of Windham for the ALICE Challenge: a community problem solving session on how together we can help local families make more than ends meet.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools Profile
United for ALICE campaign - English
United for ALICE campaign - Spanish
Check out the newest family information in the DIGITAL BACKPACK at the WPS website, including information on the Advance Child Tax Credit !
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools Profile
Digital Backpack
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/3jNvZEd or iPhone: https://apple.co/3jO9G1i.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
eng app
spa app
As we start our first full week of school, please remember to complete your Daily COVID Health Checklist. If you check any of the boxes, stay home and call our school nurse hotline at 860-465-2521. Thank you for keeping us in the wellness zone! You can read our Health & Safety Manual For Families & Staff Members online: www.windhamps.org/page/wellness-zone
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
wellness zone
wellness zone
All Windham Public Schools, including C. H. Barrows STEM Academy, are going to have an early dismissal tomorrow, Friday, August 27. Early dismissal times, which can be found on our website (https://5il.co/t2bd), are as follows: Windham High School – 11:20am Windham Middle School – 11:40am C. H. Barrows STEM Academy – 12:00pm Sweeney, North Windham, Natchaug, & Windham Center Schools – 12:30 Windham Early Childhood Center – 12:45 We appreciate those families who understand the need to call these early dismissals to ensure safety when we are dealing with excessive heat and a mask mandate in both our classrooms and on our school buses. Looking ahead at the forecast, things should cool off nicely as we end August and start off the month of September.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
Good morning Windham Public Schools families, After reviewing classroom temperatures across the district, we are seeing that many classrooms are above 80 degrees this early in the morning. The meteorologist has let us know that the highest heat index will be reached today. In addition, the mandated use of masks in our schools makes the heat even more unbearable. Therefore, I have decided to call an early dismissal for all schools except for C. H. Barrows STEM Academy. C. H. Barrows STEM Academy will have a full school day since it is day #1 and they have a climate controlled building. I recognize that this might be an inconvenience for families, but student safety is our priority. The early dismissal times are as follows (https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1496134/Start___End_Times_w.out_late_entry.pdf): Windham High School – 11:20AM Windham Middle School – 11:40AM Sweeney, North Windham, Natchaug, & Windham Center Schools – 12:30PM Windham Early Childhood Center – 12:45PM Thank you for your continued support, and stay cool out there. Dr. Tracy Youngberg, Superintendent of Schools
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
We are carefully watching the regional heat advisory in place for tomorrow, Thursday August 26, our first day of school. If the meteorologists are correct this time and do we need to call an early dismissal due to excessive heat, you will be notified by 10:15am tomorrow. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
LAST NIGHT’S UPDATE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT: This is Dr. Tracy Youngberg, Superintendent of Schools, calling to welcome your children back to school on Thursday, August 26, our first full day together. We are very excited that all of our students will be back in person this school year. I want to remind everyone that masks are mandated in our schools and offices per the Governor’s Executive Order. In addition to the mask mandate, we will continue to follow the recommended mitigation strategies designed to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in our schools. The Department of Public Health continues to view vaccination as the number one prevention strategy. Vaccinations, as you know, are available to anyone 12 years and older. Please visit the district’s website for specific details shared with you in video format on how we will work to keep our schools in the Wellness Zone: www.windhamps.org/page/reopening-covid Video in English: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbeT7yAV_is Video in Spanish: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWNamN1Rlqc Have a great night everyone, and we will see you for the first day of school on Thursday, August 26.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
EVENT POSTPONED! Windham Public School’s Welcome Back-Pack Drive has been postponed to Tuesday, August 24 from 3:30-5PM due to the weather. Stop by Recreation Park on Tuesday for a vaccine clinic and a backpack giveaway! One backpack per child present.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
back pack drive rev date
WPS WELCOME BACK-PACK DRIVE: Stop by Rec Park this coming Monday, August 23, 3:30-5PM for a vaccine clinic and a backpack giveaway! One backpack per child present. Subject to change depending on weather.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
backpack drive
This is a message from Windham Public School’s Before and After School Program. We are informing families that programs will be starting on Monday, August 30, 2021. Please make separate arrangements for childcare for the first two days of school. We also had to adjust program hours since school day times have changed. Sweeney, North Windham, Windham Center, and Natchaug Elementary After School Program hours are 3-5:30pm, Monday through Friday. C. H. Barrows STEM Academy hours are 2:40-5:40pm, Monday through Friday. Our Before School Program will also begin on Monday August, 30, with student drop-off starting at 7am. Please find a letter posted on our website for more information: https://5il.co/xiv7. You may also contact 860-465-2595 with questions. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
Families, check out our 21-22 Bus Bus Stop Listing and Schedule online (https://www.windhamps.org/page/transportation)! You can also read our Transportation Guidelines Letter for more information.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
transportation bus
As of this evening, electricity, phones, and internet have been restored at all Windham Public Schools. Thank you for your patience as our IT team worked with our provider to resolve this issue.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
As of early this morning, all Windham Public Schools have no phones or internet. Sweeney Elementary and Windham Middle School have no electricity. Thank you for your patience as our electric company is currently on-site working to resolve this issue. We will keep you updated of any changes.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
DIGITAL BACKPACK: FIND BACK-TO-SCHOOL LETTERS - Click on "Digital Backpack" in the header of our website at the very top to view back-to-school letters that were mailed districtwide (https://www.windhamps.org/browse/234805). Read the Welcome Letter from the Superintendent, read up on Transportation Guidelines, check out the school year calendar, and learn about the Community Eligibility Provision.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
digital backpack
VACCINE CLINIC AT WINDHAM MIDDLE SCHOOL TODAY! Stop by Windham Middle School's Small Gym (123 Quarry Street, Willimantic) and walk-in before 1:30pm today to get your COVID vaccine from Hartford HealthCare!
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
vax graphic
Check out last Friday's School Reopening Update from Superintendent Dr. Youngberg. "First, I want to shout-out to all of the students who have participated in this year’s summer school and all of the staff members who are working hard to keep the program moving. Summer Fun 2021, has really been a source of pride for the district following a very difficult school year. We nearly tripled student enrollment in our summer school programs, moved to a full school day schedule Kindergarten to 8th grade, and implemented Project-Based Learning. We have one week to go and then we will reflect on how to make the summer of 2022 even more successful. Next, earlier this week the Connecticut State Department of Education and the Department of Public Health released their Interim Recommendations for COVID-19 Prevention in Pre-Kindergarten to grade 12 Schools across the state (www.windhamps.org/page/reopening-covid). You can find the document on the district’s new website, which is still www.windhamps.org, under News. These recommendations, like all things related to COVID, are expected to change as the public health crisis changes. So, just like last year we will work to keep you all informed and try our best to be flexible, patient, and respectful. This is particularly important because we are always being role models for our students and agreeing to disagree sometimes when there is a polarizing topic is a skill they will rely on their entire lives. Here are some of the highlights of the new recommendations I can share with you right now: - Vaccinations for those eligible (12 years and older) is what our partners at the state level call the #1 prevention strategy. While being vaccinated for COVID is not a requirement to attend school or work in Windham, we have been working to ensure those who wish to be vaccinated have access. - It appears we will be wearing masks for the start of the 2021-22 school year, but the state is holding out on their final recommendations on masks until we get closer to the start of the year. As it stands right now, all PreK-12 school across the state are currently still under the mask mandate issued back in May. - The CDC has changed their recommendations from 6 feet social distancing to 3 feet. Windham will be doing our best to reach 3 feet social distancing in our classrooms, but will not be impacting the in-person learning options if this distance cannot been met. - The move to 3 feet social distancing also changes the quarantine protocols for those identified as close contacts. And, students and staff who are vaccinated and remain asymptomatic will not have to quarantine if they are exposed to a person who tested positive. - Just as a reminder, Windham will not be offering virtual learning as a full time option for our students next school year. All Windham students, PreK-12, are expected to be back in school in-person on Thursday, August 26th, our first full day of school for the 2021-2022 school year. - Fall sports are expected start on time and are expected to have full seasons. We will be working to ensure safe music instruction can take place, like singing and the playing of instruments. -Finally, masks will be required on Windham school buses and we are keeping the bus capacity numbers the same as last year. We are working hard to keep your kids safe. I know this is a lot of information, so I encourage you to read the state document on our website (windhamps.org)and reach out to your child’s school or the district with any questions. In short, I am committed to trying to make the 2021-2022 school year as normal of an experience as possible. We will be sharing a parent/family video in English and Spanish a week or so before school starts that will review all of the latest recommendations for our schools at that point. In the meantime, please enjoy the rest of your summer break, and have a good night, everyone. "
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools