Stop by Windham Middle School's Small Gym (sign with the balloons at 123 Quarry Street) and walk-in before 1:30pm today to get your COVID vaccine! Thank you to our community partners at Hartford HealthCare & to our Family Liaisons for helping make this opportunity possible to our community.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
vaccine clinic
Announcing the launch of Connecticut Summer at the Museum, a new state program created by the state in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic that allows Connecticut children to receive free admission at more than 90 museums across Connecticut during the 2021 summer months. Learn more:
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
free museum
Good afternoon Windham Public School Families, We are partnering with Hartford HealthCare to offer our students, families, and the community a Walk-In Vaccination Clinic ( next Tuesday, July 20 from 9:30am-1:30pm at Windham Middle School located at 123 Quarry Street, Willimantic. Stop by Windham Middle next Tuesday from 9:30am-1:30pm to get your Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. Thank you for keeping us in the Wellness Zone (!
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
vax summer
vax summer
Windham Public Schools is proud to announce funding through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER III). We are engaging in meaningful consultation with our stakeholders (our families, our community, our students, and our staff) for suggestions on educational areas to support. What would you like Windham Public Schools to support with ESSER III grant funds? Visit to complete your survey and read our Safe Return to In-Person Instruction & Continuity of Services Plan or email You are also invited to provide your public comment this Wednesday, July 14th at the Board of Education’s Meeting ( View the meeting live on our YouTube channel (, call in at 860-465-2513, or attend in-person. We are looking forward to hearing any and all creative ideas for effectively using these funds to transform Windham Public Schools post COVID.
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
esser image
The recently passed American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) includes funding to municipalities to help respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Town of Windham would like feedback from town residents on what they believe some of the priorities may be. Take the survey today:
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
Town Survey Header
Hello Summer Fun 2021 families, If you haven’t already, you should receive a letter in the mail soon with information about summer school, including locations, schedules, contact information, and transportation details. We look forward to seeing our students on Monday, July 12 at 8:45 AM to kick off our summer of fun learning! You can also visit our website for this information. Additionally, please remember that we all need to do our part to keep Windham Public Schools in the Wellness Zone. We ask that you complete our Daily COVID Health Checklists with your children, and keep them home from school if they feel sick. We expect all of our students to wear masks, and we will do our part by maintaining clean facilities. We can’t wait to see our Windham students for an exciting four weeks of Summer Fun!
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
Summer School Wellness Zone
Summer School Wellness Zone
Today we share great news! First, Superintendent Dr. Youngberg delivered flowers and balloons to Windham Middle School's Dawn Noheimer, who was named as the District Paraeducator of the Year for 2021-2022 after 25 years of service. This is a new distinction for Windham, but one the Connecticut State Department of Education has been celebrating for quite some time now. Dr. Youngberg then made a second visit to North Windham School's Erin Holden, as she was named Windham’s District Teacher of the Year for 2021-2022. Both of these well-deserving recipients join a group of their distinguished colleagues representing our Kindergarten-Grade 12 schools. Congratulations to Erin Holden and Dawn Noheimer, and all our educators and paraeducators of the year 2021-22! We know you will represent the district well!
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
Free Summer Meals, in a location near you! --- Comidas de verano gratis, ¡en una ubicación cerca de usted!
over 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools