Mark your calendars for this Saturday, September 30th! Willimantic Public Library is holding a Children's Book Fair from 10am - 2pm. The event will feature local authors, free books, crafts, and games. Hope to see you there!
Good Afternoon Windham Community,
I wanted to let you know that tonight’s football game and field dedication ceremony will go on as scheduled. We have a number of safety protocols in place to ensure the wellbeing of our student athletes. We also want to remind spectators to stay cool and hydrated, as your safety matters as well.
Finally, I appreciate families understanding my decision to dismiss our schools early for the past three days. I know just how disruptive this can be.
I hope to see many of you at tonight’s football game. Go, Whippets!
Tracy A. Youngberg
Good Afternoon Windham Community,
I wanted to let you know that we are going to join some of the districts in the region and call an early dismissal for tomorrow, Friday, September 8th. Our school and classroom temperatures registered as high as 88 degrees today and we are not anticipating much of a cool down overnight.
Please note, tomorrow night’s much anticipated first home football game and the field dedication ceremony is still scheduled. We are in the process of gathering information to determine if our football team can safely play tomorrow at 7pm and will share that decision tomorrow. Thank you and have a good night.
Tracy A. Youngberg
Good afternoon Windham Community,
The District will again follow an early dismissal schedule tomorrow, Thursday, September 7th due to the extreme heat. Thank you for your cooperation.
Tracy Youngberg
Good Afternoon Windham Community,
I would like to share an update related to the extremely warm weather forecast. Some of our classrooms across the district today registered temps in the 80’s and we do not expect temperatures or the humidity levels to cool off for a few days. So, we are joining regional districts and calling an early dismissal for tomorrow, Wednesday September 6th, for all Windham Public Schools. The early dismissal times are as follows:
• Windham High School and CORE/AWP will dismiss at 11:20am
• Windham Middle School will dismiss at 11:40am
• C. H. Barrows STEM Academy will dismiss at 12:00pm
• Sweeney, Natchaug, Windham Center and North Windham Schools will dismiss at 12:30pm, and
• Windham Early Childhood Center will dismiss at 12:45pm
We know early dismissals can be disruptive to our families, but we believe it will help us to keep students and staff safe. The district will provide an update tomorrow should another early dismissal be necessary.
Thank you and have a good night.
Tracy Youngberg
Welcome Back!
Please see the Superintendent's communication here: (English) (Spanish)
Windham Public Schools Transportation Routes 2023-24
Please join us for our annual Family & Community EXPO on Saturday, August 19, 2023 from 11:00am-2:00pm at Jillson Square/Shaboo Stage. Free backpack giveaway and haircuts for students. Food, Vendors, Trucks, Music, and Fun!
Whippets Football practice begins August 10th!
All high school students are encouraged to join!
Questions? Contact Coach Randall Prose at
Windham Public Schools and the Town of Windham Presents Our Annual Family and Community EXPO! Join us for MUSIC, FOOD, VENDORS, and LOTS of FUN!
16 de junio 2023
Buenas tardes comunidad de Windham,
Me gustaría compartir con ustedes una actualización del año escolar 2022-2023. Para todas las escuelas, excepto la Academia STEM Barrows, hoy fue el último día del año. Quiero felicitar a nuestros estudiantes por completar este año escolar, así como a sus familias que trabajaron incansablemente detrás de escena para hacer que el año sea exitoso para sus hijos. También necesito celebrar al dedicado personal de las Escuelas Públicas de Windham, ya que su arduo trabajo es muy apreciado. Para nuestros estudiantes de 5 y 8 grado que han sido promovidos a nuevas escuelas, ¡felicidades! Esperamos verlo dar los próximos pasos a lo largo de su viaje educativo.
Esta noche graduaremos la Clase de 2023 de la Escuela Secundaria de Windham en Eastern Connecticut State University. Estamos increíblemente orgullosos de estos graduados y los diversos caminos que han elegido más allá de la escuela secundaria. Sabemos que continuarán haciendo que el distrito se sienta orgulloso como ex alumnos de la Escuela Secundaria de Windham. Visite el sitio web del distrito para obtener más información sobre la Clase de 2023. . ¡Arriba Whippets!
Como recordatorio, la Academia STEM Barrows tendrá medio día de clases el martes 20 de junio. Como recordarán, esto fue requerido por el Estado como compensación por el día escolar que fue cancelado el 2 de junio debido al incendio del vehículo en su campus.
Finalmente, quiero desear a toda la comunidad de las Escuelas Públicas de Windham unas vacaciones de verano saludables y felices. Estudiantes, por favor encuentren un equilibrio con mantener sus mentes y cuerpos activos en julio y agosto. Los materiales de aprendizaje de verano, que recomendamos encarecidamente que completen nuestros estudiantes, se pueden encontrar en el sitio web del distrito en Para aquellos que asisten a nuestros programas ampliados de escuela de verano, todos están programados para comenzar el lunes 10 de julio. La comunicación adicional del distrito ocurrirá antes del inicio de la escuela de verano.
¡Felices vacaciones de verano a todos!
Tracy Youngberg
Good Afternoon Windham Community,
I would like to share a final update for the 2022-2023 school year with you. For all schools, except for the Barrows STEM Academy, today was the last day of the year. I want to congratulate our students on completing this school year as well as their families who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make the year a successful one for their children. I also need to celebrate the dedicated staff of Windham Public Schools as your hard work is very much appreciated. For our 5th and 8th graders who have been promoted to new schools, congratulations! We are looking forward to watching you take the next steps along your educational journey.
This evening we will graduate Windham High School’s Class of 2023 at Eastern Connecticut State University. We are incredibly proud of these graduates and the various paths they have chosen beyond high school. We know they will continue make the district proud as Windham High School alumni. Please visit the district website for more information on the Class of 2023: . Go, Whippets!
As a reminder, Barrows STEM Academy will have a half day of school on Tuesday, June 20th. As you will recall, this was required by the State as a make up for the school day that was cancelled on June 2nd due to the vehicle fire on their campus.
Finally, I want to wish the entire Windham Public Schools community a healthy and happy summer vacation. Students, please find a balance with keeping your minds and bodies active in July and August. Summer learning materials, which we strongly recommend our students complete, can be found on the district’s website at For those attending our expanded summer school programs, they are all scheduled to begin Monday, July 10th. Further communication from the district will occur prior to the start of summer school.
Happy Summer Break, everyone!
Tracy Youngberg
Buenas tardes comunidad de Windham,
Esta es la Dra. Tracy Youngberg llamando con algunas actualizaciones. Primero, el Departamento de Educación del Estado ha confirmado para el distrito que la Academia STEM C. H. Barrows deberá estar en sesión el martes 20 de junio por un total de cuatro horas para alcanzar el requisito del año escolar de 180 días. Por lo tanto, Barrows seguirá su horario habitual de salida temprana el martes 20 de junio. Familias de Barrows, apreciamos su paciencia y su voluntad de llevar a sus estudiantes a la escuela en su último día.
Luego, las alertas de calidad del aire relacionadas con los incendios en Canadá han creado una serie de preocupaciones para los distritos escolares de todo el estado. Hoy, según la Calificación de Calidad del Aire No Saludable de Windham, recomendé a nuestros directores que las actividades como el recreo y las clases de educación física se realicen adentro de las escuelas. También estamos verificando cómo nuestros viajes de campo planificados manejarán el problema de la calidad del aire.
Finalmente, estamos cancelando las actividades de día de campo en aquellas escuelas programadas para mañana. Tengan paciencia mientras nuestros directores intentan determinar si las actividades del día de campo pueden trasladarse adentro o reprogramarse para la próxima semana cuando nuestro meteorólogo nos diga que el humo se disipará.
Gracias por su comprensión y que tengan una buena noche.
Tracy Youngberg
Good Afternoon Windham Community,
I would like to share some updates with you. First, the State Department of Education has confirmed for the district that C. H. Barrows STEM Academy will need to be in session on Tuesday, June 20th for a total of four hours in order to reach the 180 day school year requirement. Therefore, Barrows will follow its usual early dismissal schedule on Tuesday, June 20th. Barrows families, we appreciate your patience and your willingness to get your students to school for their last day.
Next, the air quality alerts related to the fires in Canada have created a number of concerns for school districts across the state. Today based on Windham’s Unhealthy Air Quality rating, I recommended to our principals that activities like recess and Physical Education classes occur indoors. We are also checking to see how our planned field trips will be handling the air quality issue.
Finally, we are cancelling outdoor field day activities for those schools scheduled for tomorrow. Please be patient as our principals try to determine if field day activities can be moved indoors or rescheduled for next week when we are told by our meteorologist that the smoke will dissipate.
Thank you for your understanding and have a good night.
Tracy Youngberg, Superintendent
Looking to get your COVID-19 vaccination before the Summer?
Join us on Friday, June 9th at Natchaug Elementary School Gym at 4:00pm to 7:00pm.
Everyone is welcome, no need to make an appointment.
El 2 de junio, 2023
Buenos dias comunidad de Windham,
Aproximadamente a las 6:30 am de esta mañana, los empleados de la cafetería de C.H. Barrows STEM Academy se dieron cuenta de que un vehículo de empleados desocupado que fue estacionado afuera de la escuela se había incendiado.
El departamento de bomberos fue notificado y llegó a la escuela aproximadamente a las 6:45 am. Los bomberos apagaron el fuego rápidamente , que causado bastante dano al vehículo y una cantidad sustancial de daño a la pared exterior de la cocina/cafetería de Barrows. El fuego también creó un olor significativo dentro del edificio escolar por el humo y la quema de los materiales del revestimiento exterior.
Aproximadamente a las 7:15 a. m., el jefe de bomberos informó al superintendente y al director de Barrows que no fue seguro para tener clases en C.H. Academia Barrows STEM hoy. Aproximadamente a las 7:28 am, el distrito se envió una llamada, un mensaje de texto y un correo electrónico a todos cancelando escuela para los estudiantes y el personal de Barrows e informando a los padres que volveríamos a los estudiantes que ya estaban en camino a la escuela a sus paradas de autobús. Se hicieron arreglos con las compañías de autobuses M&J y EASTCONN para garantizar que los estudiantes no se quedaran solos en sus paradas de autobús.
Los pocos estudiantes que no tenían adultos listos para recogerlos fueron transportados a una de nuestras escuelas primarias donde se hicieron arreglos para que los padres los recogieran. A las 8:14 am, todos los estudiantes de Barrows en los autobuses escolares regresaron seguramente a sus familias.
Primero y ante todo, las Escuelas Públicas de Windham están agradecidas por nuestros dedicados bomberos que trabajaron rápidamente para extinguir el incendio y el hecho de que nadie resultó herido en este incendio. Agradecemos a uno de los custodios de Barrows, Chris Simmons, que trató de extinguir el fuego antes de que llegaran los bomberos. También estamos agradecidos por la coordinación de última hora entre nuestras compañías de autobuses, el departamento de transporte y nuestras familias de Barrows. Finalmente, estamos agradecidos por el equipo de liderazgo de Barrows y los miembros del personal que estaban ansiosos por ayudar de cualquier forma que pudieran.
Antes del cierre de hoy, el último día de clases del distrito estaba programado para el viernes 16 de junio. Dado que el lunes, el 19 de junio es un feriado estatal y federal, se llama Juneteenth, el cierre de Barrows de hoy deberá recuperarse el martes, el 20 de junio. Nos comunicamos con el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Connecticut para determinar los requisitos de este día de recuperación y notificaremos al distrito tan pronto como tengamos noticias de ellos. Entendemos que esto inevitablemente causará algún impacto en las familias y el personal, y nos disculpamos por las molestias, pero no tenemos otra opción. Gracias de nuevo por su continuo apoyo y colaboración.
¡Que tengan un buen día a todos!,
Tracy Youngberg
June 2, 2023
Good morning Windham Community,
At approximately 6:30am today, cafeteria employees at C.H. Barrows STEM Academy realized an unoccupied employee vehicle parked right outside of the school had caught on fire. The fire department was notified and arrived on the scene at approximately 6:45am. The firefighters quickly put out the fire, which was extensive enough to total the vehicle and cause a substantial amount of damage to the exterior wall of the Barrows kitchen/cafeteria. The fire also created a significant odor inside the school building from the smoke and burning of the exterior siding materials. At approximately 7:15am, the Fire Marshall informed the Superintendent and Barrows’ Principal that it was not safe to hold school at C.H. Barrows STEM Academy today. At approximately 7:28am, an all-district call, text and email went out cancelling school for Barrows students and staff and letting parents know we would be returning students already in route to school to their respective bus stops. Arrangements were made with both M&J and EASTCONN bus companies to ensure students were not left alone at their bus stops. The few students who did not have adults ready to pick them up were transported to one of our elementary schools where arrangements were made for parents to pick them up. By 8:14am, all Barrows students on school buses were safely returned to their families.
First and foremost, Windham Public Schools is grateful for our dedicated firefighters who worked quickly to extinguish the fire, and the fact that no one was hurt in this fire. We are grateful to Barrows Custodian Chris Simmons who tried to extinguish the fire before firefighters arrived, for the last-minute coordination between our bus companies, transportation department and our Barrows families. Finally, we are thankful for the Barrows leadership team and staff members who were all eager to help in any way they could.
Prior to today’s closure, the district’s last day of school was scheduled for Friday, June 16th. Since Monday, June 19th, or Juneteenth, is now a state and federal holiday, today’s Barrows closure will need to be made up on Tuesday, June 20th. We have reached out to the Connecticut State Department of Education to determine the requirements of this make up day and will notify the district as soon as we have heard back from them. We understand that this will inevitably cause some impact to families and staff, and we apologize for the inconvenience, but we have no other choice. Thank you again for your ongoing support and partnership.
Have a good day everyone,
Tracy Youngberg
Good morning Windham Community,
A vehicle fire broke out near the CH Barrows STEM Academy this morning. The fire is out, but at 7:15am, the fire marshal directed us to close the Barrows STEM Academy for today, Friday, June 2nd. This does not impact any schools other than Barrows. All other district schools are open today.
Buses that have already picked up students for Barrows will be bringing them back to their bus stops. Barrows parents should go to their child’s bus stop to pick up their child. Please note bus drivers will not leave children unattended.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes, but student and staff safety remains our top priority.
Tracy Youngberg
Good afternoon Windham Community,
Please see the Superintendent's update here:
Read about our CAPSS Winners.